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Hospital FAQ’s


“Who do I call if I have an emergency after hours?”

  • Call Crossroads Animal Emergency Clinic (318)427-1292, located at 5405 North Blvd, Alexandria, La 71301


“What is our recommendation if you see/find a pet?” Please note, in order for us to provide quality care for sick and hospitalized patients, we cannot take in/accept stray animals.

  • If you encounter a stray dog or cat, before you pick it up, consider whether the pet could belong to someone nearby. If you decide to pick up the pet, take these steps to responsibly care for the pet:
  • Take the animal to your veterinarian. The veterinarian can check for a microchip in hopes of reuniting this pet with his/her owner, they can also do a thorough examination to make sure the animal is not injured or ill.
  • Imagine this pet has a loving home that really misses him/her and do everything you can to find the owner. Make a post on the local lost and found page- Post flyers around the area where the pet was found. Call local shelters, rescues, and animal hospitals.
  • If no owner can be found, please consider updating vaccinations and heartworm prevention for this pet. This is important to do before bringing this pet home around your other animals as some illnesses and diseases are very contagious. This is also very helpful when looking for a more permanent home for this pet. Shelters, fosters, or even potential new owners are more likely to take in a pet when it has already been vaccinated and spayed/neutered.
  • If you are unable to keep this pet on a long term basis, you can check with the local shelters or rescues to see if they are able to assist you with finding this animal a loving “fur”ever home. Keep in mind that these organizations stay at capacity and offering to foster the pet until a home is found is a tremendous help to them.
  • If you decide to keep this pet, consider whether this is a lifelong commitment you are able/willing to make. Consider whether any animals or humans currently in the home will adjust to adding a new member to your family. Consider whether you have the financial means and time available to help this new member adapt to being in your home. Once you have made these considerations, immediate needs are food, water, shelter, and vet care.


“How do I contact local rescues?”


“I found/saw an animal and I am going to bring it home, what do I need to do?”

  • Consider whether this is a lifelong commitment you are able/willing to make. Consider whether any animals or humans currently in the home will adjust to adding a new member to your family. Consider whether you have the financial means and time available to help this new member adapt to being in your home. Once you have made these considerations, immediate needs are food, water, shelter, and vet care.


“If my pet becomes lost, what should I do?”

  • Be proactive. Search your neighborhood. Contact local rescues and veterinary hospitals to see if they know any information about your missing pet. Post flyers around your community. Make a post on the Lost and Found Pets of Cenla Facebook Page-


“I am bringing my dog in for a wellness exam, what should I expect?”

  • If you are a new client, please email or fax any records from a previous veterinary clinic to us at or (318)473-9436. If you are unable to send the records to us prior to coming in, ask your veterinary clinic if they could send them to us or bring a physical copy to your appointment and the reception team will handle them. Arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment time and be prepared to fill out a new client form. You may also be interested in wellness plans (***link?) prior to coming in. The reception team will get you checked in, which may entail a variety of questions about your pet. An assistant will place you and your pet in a room and the doctor will be with you shortly after. There is an examination fee of $52.5 that will be due at the time services are rendered, in addition to any other costs incurred during the visit.


“I am bringing my dog in for a sick visit, what should I expect?”

  • If you are a new client, please email or fax any records from a previous veterinary clinic to us at or (318)472-9436. If you are unable to send the records to us prior to coming in, ask your veterinary clinic to send them to us or bring a physical copy to your appointment and the reception team will handle them. Arrive 5-10 minutes before your appointment time and be prepared to fill out a new client form. The reception team will get you checked in, which may entail a variety of questions about your pet. An assistant will place you and your pet in an exam room. The doctor will do a thorough exam and decide what further testing may be necessary depending on the issue being addressed. There is an examination fee of $52.5 and any other costs incurred during the visit will be due at the time services are rendered.


“I am bringing my dog in as a walk-in, what should I expect?”

  • If you are experiencing an emergency situation, please bring your pet as soon as possible. If you are walking in because your pet is sick, please understand that we generally have a doctor specifically seeing walk-ins and emergencies – but emergencies do take precedence and sometimes that can impact how quickly walk-ins are seen. Be prepared for a wait time regardless of whether or not this happens. Walk-ins for wellness visits or sick pets are seen from 8 -11 AM and 1 – 4 PM, however walk-ins for sick patients can be seen as late as 5:15pm.


“What is a wellness plan?”

  • A wellness plan allows you to spread the cost of your pet’s preventative care over a 12 month period allowing you to be sure your pet receives the preventative care when they need it. Everyday Wellness allows you to choose the level of care that is best suited to you and your pet. Pets may be enrolled at any time regardless of age. You must enroll prior to seeing a doctor for a visit to fall under the wellness plan. When you sign up for the wellness plan you will pay the first month up front, as well as an enrollment fee, and the remaining payments will draft out of your bank account monthly. Keep in mind this plan does not cover illnesses or treatment for injuries, the plan is only intended to cover the costs of preventative medicine. CLICK HERE for pricing or to sign up.


“What should I expect when I bring my dog in for heartworm treatment?”

  • The first heartworm treatment requires a veterinary technician to check you in, at which point they will discuss with you an estimate and give you an overview of the treatment. Your dog will spend two full days with us for the first treatment. You may pick up at the end of the second day. The second treatment will also require a check in with a technician. Your pet will stay with us for three full days and you may pick up at the end of the third day. When you bring your dog home you must abide by the discharge instructions very carefully for the safety of your pet.


“What should I expect when I bring my dog in for a dental?”

  • You should receive a call the day before explaining that your fur baby cannot have anything to eat or drink the night before after 10 PM. Your arrival time is between 7 – 8 AM, expect to be present at least 15 – 20 minutes in order to discuss an estimate and the procedure with a technician. Expect your baby to spend the majority of the day with us, but plan to pick up that same day. You may or may not have pain medication or antibiotics depending upon how extensive the procedure was.


“What do I need to know about the process of checking in for a procedure that requires anesthesia?”

  • The day before your procedure you should receive a phone call to confirm your appointment, at that time someone from the hospital will let you know that your pet cannot eat or drink past 10 pm. Your arrival time is between 7 – 8 on the morning of the procedure. The check-in process can take up to 30 minutes. The veterinary technician working with the surgery doctor will go over the procedure, an estimate, and a surgery consent form, as well as answer any questions you may have, during this time. You are welcome to call and check on your pet at any time, someone will call you after the procedure to update you on the status of your pet.


“Do you offer end of life services for pets? What can I expect during this process?”

  • We are so sorry you are having to make this decision. You are welcome to make an appointment over the phone or through the link on our website, however you may also come in as a walk in any time from 8 to 11 AM, or 1 to 5 PM. You are welcome to stay in the room with your fur baby but you may also opt for us to do everything in the back. You may opt for an at home burial, but we do offer cremation services for those who would prefer to receive remains in an engraved box, and those who do not want remains.


“What is the number to the Animal Poison Control Center?” 

  • 1-888-426-4435